Thursday, December 22, 2005


"Absinthe is the aphrodisiac of the self. The green fairy who lives in the absinthe wants your soul. But you are safe with me."
Excerpt from Bram Stoker's Dracula

Spirit of the Night by Atkinson Grimshaw

Famous absinthe users include:
Edouard Manet
Charles Baudelaire
Paul Verlaine
Arthur Rimbaud
Oscar Wilde
Ernest Dowson
Edgar Degas
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Vincent Van Gogh
Adolphe Monticelli
Paul Gauguin
Alfred Jarry
Pablo Picasso
Ernest Hemingway


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Anne Saint-Marie New York by Lilian Bassman

I've shed a tear for the lying
While everyday trying to
Paint this smile for you
Backflips, cartwheelings,
Somersault feelings
What is there left to do
Laughter is free
But it's so hard for me,
A jester all the time
No one's believing
I'm the same when I'm bleeding
And I hurt all the time deep inside

Excerpt from Painted Smile by Moody Blues

The show must go on
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up maybe flaking
But my smile still stays on

Excerp from The show must go on by Queen

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Frail of heart
Renounce your fears
Locked away inside
All these years

Remain in light
Renounce your fears
For you have been mesmerized

Break this spell of silence

Dead Can Dance

Photo: The Veil Of The Sky by Rutherford-Bate Stephen

Monday, December 19, 2005

Romeo and Juliet, SCENE V. Capulet's orchard

Friday, December 16, 2005


Abrigo-me de ti
de mim não sei
há dias em que fujo
e que me evado
há horas em que a raiva
não sequei
nem a inveja rasguei
ou a desfaço
Há dias em que nego
e outros onde nasço
há dias só de fogo
e outros tão rasgados
Aqueles onde habito com tantos
dias vagos.

Maria Tereza Horta

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Horas ingratas, em que te vejo
No limiar do desejo.
Aqui…! Tão perto …
A um passo de um gesto!